Simple algebra question! Won't take long at all, I just need to double check. Help!?

2008-04-04 8:12 am
2x^2 - x^2

Would the -x^2 just cancel out in 2x^2, leaving the answer to be 2?

Please help me :(

10 points wll be rewarded!

Norman thank you so much!


And thank you soooooo much to everyone else! The help is greatly appreciated :]

回答 (11)

2008-04-04 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
you subtract the coeff, not cancel out
the answer is x^2
2008-04-04 1:25 pm
2 apples - 1 apple = 1 apple
2 oranges - 1 orange = 1 orange
2 ( x ² ) - 1 ( x ² ) = 1 ( x ² ) = x ²
2016-10-03 9:05 pm
nicely wknow it wil be decrease than 2 hours as john paints one himself in that element. i think of what you do is using the fact the time that lisa and ed take to color at the same time ( ie 6.5 hours) divide it with the aid of 3 and take it faraway from 2 hours
2008-04-04 10:18 am
2x^2 - x^2
x^2 is like an apple and 2x^2 is like 2 applez so both r same things, they r easily subtracted.
2x^2 - x^2 = x^2
2x^2 - x^2
take x^2 as common
x^2 (2-1)
x^2 (1)
x^2 wil b ur answer
2008-04-04 8:29 am
no, you have two x^2's so the answer is

2x^2 - x^2 = x^2

This is true, because x^2 + x^2 = 2x^2
2008-04-04 8:26 am
when add and subtract variables you only deal with coefficients...not variables themselves
so the answer would be (2-1)x^2...which is x^2

note that theres only one condition where the answer would be 0(they cancel)...when the coefficient and the variable is the same
example: 2x^2 - 2x^2 = 0
hope that helped!!! good luck in algebra!!! hehe
2008-04-04 8:26 am

= x^2(2-1)

2008-04-04 8:21 am
2x^2 - x^2
= x^2
2008-04-04 8:17 am
2x^2 means that there are two of them: (x^2)+(x^2)
if you - (x^2) then you are taking away one of them: one of the (x^2) leaving only one (x^2).
2008-04-04 8:17 am
The answer is x^2 since they are like terms.

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