急要Heat convection applications!!!!!!!!

2008-04-05 6:11 am
急要convection applications!!!!!!!!(Heat)!!


回答 (2)

2008-04-08 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
heat convection in AIR

- air conditioning
- radiators/ heaters
- refrigerators
- cooking: steaming dim sum/ fish/ food, melting chocolate

heat convection in LIQUID/FLUID
- thorough mixing of liquid e.g in molten metal during casting
參考: common sense
2008-04-05 6:24 am
one application of convention of heat is that
air conditioner is put in a higher position .
it is because cool wind is denser than hot air.
it will move downwards.
the hot air then rise .
the hot air will now become cool .
so the convection process continues until the temperature is
the same everywhere in the room.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 20:24:38
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