the broken pieces of the vase 後面跟動詞is 定喺用are

2008-04-05 2:54 am
the broken pieces of the vase 後面跟動詞is 定喺用are

回答 (2)

2008-04-05 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
the broken pieces of the vase 後面應該跟 are。它的subject是在pieces。


如朗文辭典裏有以下一個phase:pieces of broken glass (碎玻璃塊)

又有一例:The floor was covered in bits of broken glass. (地板上到處都是碎玻璃片。)

2008-04-04 19:20:06 補充:
ps. bit 解作「一小片」。bits of broken glass (一片片的碎玻璃)

2008-04-04 19:21:38 補充:
另外,pieces is countable. Bit is also countable
2008-04-05 6:43 pm
The broken pieces of the vase are to be handled with care. They are dangerous to
any person especially a child who may tread on them unknowingly.

The verb after the broken pieces must be in the plural, as you see in the first sentence above. In the second sentence, you can see how the pronouns they and them are also in
the plural.

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