
2008-04-05 1:38 am

Representative Director o既representative點解, 同埋呢個位做d咩?

Executive Vice President做d咩, 同(CEO)有咩分別?

Managing Director 同(executive director)有咩分別?

以上呢d職位都係日本公司Toyota o既職位,除 ( )內的職位


麻煩哂你o既解答 不過Toyota o既 board of directors 好似好多野, 裡面點解有chairman, 又有president? 同埋點解佢公司有managing director同executive vice president呢兩個位?

回答 (2)

2008-04-05 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案

Representative Director o既representative點解, 同埋呢個位做d咩?
The representative director shall be elected by the Board of Directors. Directors representing controlling shareholders, venture capitalists and preferred shareholders are elected to protect the interests of their sponsors. Nevertheless, accepted doctrine says that they owe undivided loyalty to the corporation and all shareholders. Business needs in both closely held and publicly traded corporations require a more realistic and nuanced legal approach to the position of a representative director.
Executive Vice President做d咩, 同(CEO)有咩分別?
CEO may not be a director. But in general practice, Executive VP (Executive Director) is acting the role of a CEO, similar to what we call in English term, the Managing Director.
Managing Director 同(executive director)有咩分別?
No significant.
2015-10-27 6:20 am
managing board

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