英國Gatewick機場由 terminal N 去 terminal S 轉機是否要出境?

2008-04-04 10:03 pm
我會由香港去Gatwick 的Terminal N 及 由 Gatewick 的 Terminal S 轉機去Newquay,是否需要出境再到Terminal S入境轉機?請幫忙

回答 (2)

2008-04-05 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You must clear Immigration and Customs at Gatwick. Follow signs to Baggage Reclaim – you will need to pass through Immigration on your way – and after collecting your baggage, proceed to the appropriate check-in desk, to check in for your next flight as normal. Collect baggage and take the free automatic train which operates between North and South Terminals every three minutes – journey time two minutes. For passengers connecting onto international flights, there is a free inter-terminal bus which operates from below the flight connections areas
2008-04-05 7:50 am
因為你係坐兩間唔同航空公司... 而佢地係無interline既, 所以係要係Gatwick入一入境...
你坐甘泉去到Gatwick之後, 你要先攞返行李入左境... 之後就坐機場內既Transit Train過去Terminal N... 去到之後要再次check-in... 之後再出境security check...
參考: 小弟居於倫敦九年...

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