
2008-04-04 9:22 pm

回答 (1)

2008-04-09 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以下中文同英文, 都齊備, 希望你有用啦!

Seafood Rice (海鮮焗飯 )

Ingredients: (成份: )
1/2 cup olive oil ( 1 / 2杯橄欖油 )
4 lobster tails split lengthwise (四龍蝦尾分裂縱向 )
16 jumbo shrimp in their shells (16珍寶蝦,在其彈 )
5 cloves, garlic peeled and mashed(五丁香,大蒜去皮搗碎 )
1 large onion peeled and chopped (1只大洋蔥去皮切碎 )
3 tablespooons chopped cilantro(三tablespooons斬cilantro )
1 large tomato, seeded and chopped( 1只大番茄,種子和切碎 )
2 1/2 cup water( 2 1 / 2杯水 )
3 cup fish broth(第3杯魚清湯 )
1/2 cup dry white wine (1 / 2杯幹白葡萄酒 )
1/2 teaspoon crumbled saffron ( 1 / 2茶匙崩潰,藏紅花 )
2 bay leaves (二月桂葉 )
1 canned whole pimento, chopped (一整個罐頭青椒切碎 )
1/2 teaspoon paprika (1 / 2茶匙,紅辣椒 )
1 tablespoon salt (一湯匙鹽 )
3 cups uncooked short grain rice (3杯未煮過的短期糧食大米 )
3/4 frozen peas (3 / 4冷凍豌豆 )
1/2 pound swordfish steaks, cut into chunks (1 / 2 pound箭魚牛排,切成大塊 )
1/2 pound scrod cut into chunks ( 1 / 2 pound scrod切割成塊 )
Butter(黃油 )
6 small clams scrubbed well (六小蛤蜊擦洗好 )
6 medium mussels scubbed well (六中等貽貝scubbed好 )
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley ( 2湯匙切碎的新鮮香菜 )
6 orange slices for garnish (六橙片點綴 )

因字數所限, 做法請看稍後補充答案: -

2008-04-09 11:52:34 補充:
又係因因字數所限, 做法會分幾次補充內容給你 .

做法 PART 1 : -

Directions: (做法: )
In a large paella pan or large frying pan heat the oil and saute the lobster and shrimp until they turn pink.在一個大的paella潘或大型煎鍋熱油和嫩煎的肉龍蝦和小蝦,直到他們把粉紅色。
Remove to a warm platter and set aside.除去以熱烈的大盤子和撥出。

2008-04-09 11:53:27 補充:
做法 PART 2 : -

In the same pan saute the garlic, onion,在同一潘嫩煎的肉大蒜,洋蔥,
and cilantro until the onion is soft.和cilantro直到洋蔥是軟的。
Add the tomato, water, broth wine,加上番茄,水,湯,酒 .
saffron, bay leaves, pimento, paprika,藏紅花,月桂葉,青椒,紅辣椒,
and salt to taste.和鹽品嚐。
Bring to a boil.把燒開。

2008-04-09 11:54:59 補充:
做法 PART 3 : -
Add the rice and peas and mix well.放入大米和豌豆和組合。
Cook over medium high heat until the rice is semi-dry庫克超過中型高熱量,直至水稻是半乾
but some liquid remains.但有些液體仍然存在。
Bury the reserved shrimp and埋葬預留蝦
the fish chunks in the rice.魚塊在水稻。

2008-04-09 11:55:34 補充:
做法 PART 4 : -

Arrange the reserved lobster安排預留龍蝦
in the middle of the pan and dot with butter.在中東的泛和斑點與牛油。
Place themussels and clams around the lobster with the hinges把貽貝和蛤蜊圍繞龍蝦與鉸鏈
facing down.面臨下跌。
Bake in a 325 preheated oven for about烘烤在325烤箱預熱約

2008-04-09 11:57:29 補充:
做法 PART 4 : -

15-20 minutes or until the rice is dry and the shellfish 15-20分鐘或直至稻米就是缺水和貝類
have opened.已開。 Discard bay leaves.拋棄月桂葉。 Remove pan to heat消除泛熱
resistant countertop and garnish with chopped parsley耐countertop和點綴與切碎的香菜
and with orange slices.並與橙片。

完成了. 希望你會明白啦! (做法總共有5 PART.)

2008-04-09 11:58:34 補充:
做法 PART 5 : -

15-20 minutes or until the rice is dry and the shellfish 15-20分鐘或直至稻米就是缺水和貝類
have opened.已開。 Discard bay leaves.拋棄月桂葉。 Remove pan to heat消除泛熱
resistant countertop and garnish with chopped parsley耐countertop和點綴與切碎的香菜
and with orange slices.並與橙片。

完成了. 希望你會明白啦! (做法總共有5 PART.)

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