現今供水的情況 15點>.

2008-04-04 6:06 pm
現今香港供水的情況,可以俾D例子∕圖片∕網址(用英文)THANK Y0U!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-04-04 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong in bigger mountain valley, if the cliff and the big olive
well up, constructs the pond to collect and the storage rain water,
and encircles 住船 灣and the grain ship bay bar two coasts
bays using the giant dike constructs the pond.
But, the Hong Kong winter drought, the rainfall is unstable, depends
upon the natural rain water, with difficulty thorough settlement water
supply question.
The Hong Kong once was insufficient as a result of the water storage
capacity, but has implemented the severe system water. In June, 1963,
each four days supply water for four hours. Another serious drought,
from 66 year in August to 67 years in June, continuously ten months.
On the other hand, our pond water in storage ability is limited,
therefore from 1961, purchased the drinking water every year to
Guangdong Province, moreover the water supply quantity increased by
stages. Except that beside fixed quantity supply, in case the rain
water is insufficient the year, Hong Kong also may extra purchase the
drinking water to China.
At present, the Hong Kong each remote districts altogether 8,000
people, still did not have the official drinking water supply.
http://ihouse.hkedcity.net/~hm1203/settlement/hk-water.htm 耗水量圖表
http://www.hk-place.com/view.php?id=110 水塘介紹
Providing an adequate water supply for Hong Kong has always been difficult because there are few natural lakes, rivers or substantial underground water sources. The annual rainfall averages 2 214.3 millimetres but this is insufficient to meet current demands — the average daily consumption of potable water during 2002/03 being 2.63 million cubic metres. The principal functions of the Water Supplies Department are to collect, store, purify and distribute potable water to consumers, and provide adequate new resources and installations to maintain a satisfactory standard of water supply. The department also supplies seawater for flushing.

2008-04-04 12:17:35 補充:
Hong Kong's two main sources of water are rainfall from natural catchments and supply from Guangdong Province. Shortage of natural storage reservoir sites led to the construction of Hong Kong's first 'reservoir in the sea' at Plover Cove - the Plover Cove Reservoir.

2008-04-04 12:17:38 補充:
The initial scheme, completed in 1967, was created by damming, and draining an inlet of Tolo Harbour and had a storage of 170 million cubic metres.

2008-04-04 12:17:55 補充:
Desalination had been one source of water supply in Hong Kong. A plant was set up in Lok On Pai. The plant later ceased its operation for its expensive cost comparing to Dongjing water. The plant was finally dismantled.

2008-04-04 12:19:32 補充:
You can get many informations there!

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