
2008-04-04 6:03 pm
外國一些唔出名既職業網球員是靠甚麼搵食? 是否會有月薪或是每打一場比賽會有錢收?(不論打唔打到入決賽)

回答 (1)

2008-04-05 10:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
These professional players are referred as "journey man" meaning they travel on their own expense to enter tournaments to make a living.
Live of a journey man can be tough as he/she usually doesn't have much of any sponsorship. He/she has to pay their own travel cost, equipment and tournament fees. If a journey man is lucky on making into quarterfinal or better, he/she may earn decent prize from the wins. Otherwise, these players may not break even on the cost if they lose in the first round.

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