
2008-04-04 11:35 am





六)酒店方面會有甚麼好提議呢??(價錢約HKD1000 / 1 day)


回答 (2)

2008-04-04 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有時間, 可以咁行:因為由 San Francisco 去LV( LasVegas) 行大路都差不多要兜到落LA(Los Aageles), 你可以看下面地圖。

San Francisco - Los Angeles (382 m, 6hrs)
Los Angeles - Las Vegas (270m. 4 hrs)
Las Vegas - Hoover Dam - Grand Canyon(5 hrs)
Las Vegas - Death Valley (3 hrs)
Death Valley - Yosemeti National Park - San Francisco (10 hrs)

你去 http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl

打 San Francisco 按 Search Map

控制左邊魚骨狀標誌可以放大縮小, 用mouse 按住地圖可以移動向左右, 上下。 放大後可以看到街道名稱。按右上角 Satellite 可以看到衛星圖片。
將魚骨狀標誌上的橫線移到由下面數上去第七間, 你就會睇到我上面所說的所有地方(除咗Yosemeti)你將橫線向上移一格, 就可以見到Yosemeti 在 Death Valley 上方。

如果你有時間, 可以由 San Francisco(三藩市) 去Los Angeles(洛杉磯)住一, 兩日, 遊迪士尼樂園, 環球片場。 然後去Las Vegas(拉斯維加斯)住一兩晚, 在LV訂酒店時, 職員會問你要唔要窗口對住 The Strip 的房, 會貴啲。 因為在LV, 幾乎所有大酒店都集中在一條大街, 就是 The Strip (住在 The Strip 的酒店比較安全)
如果你唔賭錢, 間間大酒店入去行下, 都行到腳軟。你又可以睇show, 不過要訂票
LV行一兩日就夠, 你可以駕車經 Hoover Dam (胡佛水庫)或直接坐直升機去 Grand Canyon(大峽谷)
Grand Canyon (大峽谷) 以Colorado River (科羅拉多河)為界,分爲 South Rim 同 North Rim, 最近開幕嘅 Skywalker 就在 West Rim (Grand Canyon 最接近 Las Vegas嘅地方,都係科羅拉多河南岸)
South Rim 離Las Vegas 四個半鐘頭車程。係大多數旅客去嘅地方, 景色壯觀。由其是日出,日落。
然後你可以番LV住一晚, 第日沿大路回 San Francisco, GPS 會教你行, 或者穿過 Death Valley (死亡谷, 不要緊張, 是個國家公園, 裏面是沙漠, 我去嗰日熱到53°C, 只要入滿油就唔使驚)再穿過 Yosemeti (優勝美地國家公園) 回SanFrancisco.
拉斯維加斯酒店多數有折扣, 你最好問你三藩市的朋友或同事。

2008-04-05 08:39:10 補充:
不過由三藩市搭飛機往拉斯維加斯只要個半鐘頭, 來回機票只要USD115-200 (連一切附加費及稅)

2008-04-07 19:06:43 補充:
2008-04-04 1:27 pm
How much time do you have ? A long weekend? A week?


567 miles, ~ 8.5 hours. Typically it will be like 9 to 10 hours.

Most of the roads from SFO to LAS are rural ,country highway. Very easy to drive and difficult to miss. As usual, a GPS will help a lot. Most car rental companies offer them for a small fee. It's usually a good idea to get one if possible.


Should be plenty of stops from SFO to Bakersfield. From Bakersfield to LAS most of the road are on desert and there won't be as many rest stops.

If you're interested in national park, consider a detour to Yosemite. Spend a day or two there. It's not officially "on the way" as the detour itself will take at least a few hours of driving, one way. But if you want to see nature, it should be a good choice.

BTW, don't think about just "swinging by" LA. LA is a big city. If you're driving from SFO to LAS directly, you'll avoid entering the LA altogether, skirting LA by at least 60 or 100 miles. If you decide to "tour" LA, spend at least two or three days.

Remember, distance in the US is very different from Hong Kong and Japan. You can't tour that many places in the US compared to Asia or Europe as things are spread out more.


Hotels: try travelocity.com

Plenty of other information, or travel logs by others.
Most people tour the strip. Some will go to the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam nearby (it takes at least half a day)

六)酒店方面會有甚麼好提議呢??(價錢約HKD1000 / 1 day)

That price range should buy you something pretty decent off the strip. In general, it's more economical to stay off the strip. At that price range , during summer, on the strip you could only find some older hotels.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:49:13
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