Question about alcohol?

2008-04-03 6:18 pm
I am over 21 and often placed in social drinking situations. I can't drink alcohol due to a medical situation. I want to be accepted for not drinking, but don't want to explain my medical situtation fully. I have been snubed in the past and would like advice on explaning my situation without expaing too much detail and still being accepted and to have fun. Any advice out there? Thanks for your help.

回答 (13)

2008-04-03 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a non-drinker by choice. I never felt awkward in a social situation where everybody else drank. Just order a soda, orange juice or tomato juice (I actually did this once at a bar and the waitress gave me bloody Mary mix for tomato juice). If people ask you about it, just tell them that you don't like the smell or taste of alcohol. If they continue to give you a hard time, they are the wrong people for you to associate with.
2008-04-03 6:21 pm
If people 'snub' you because you don't drink then f*ck em!! Whatever lifestyle choices you make is up to you and people who judge you for them are simple-minded. You don't need booze to have fun...
2016-11-15 11:32 pm
i like the style of alcohol (vodka rocks) I drink alcohol for social motives and to sit down down back I drink alcohol with acquaintances I drink alcohol to seem ''cool'' and ''hip'' i'm probable alcohol dependant
2008-04-03 8:02 pm
Anyone that gives you crap about not drinking is an immature pile of snit and certainly not a true friend! Personally, i look them in the eye and say "I DO NOT DRINK" if they ask further about why i tell them that booze gets in my way and i don't need it to enjoy myself. If they give me attitude, i frankly invite them to go screw themselves.
2008-04-03 6:27 pm
just because your friends are drinking.
dont mean you have too.. dont mean you cant have fun either..
its actully entertaining to watch them get drunk and retartedd lol

why would you even have to expalin you situation to maybe complete strangers to you. all you really have to say is " i dont really feel like drinking, but that wont ruin my night.. neither yous.. just have funn!
2008-04-03 6:26 pm
Have the bartenders water down your drinks/put lots of ice, and "babysit" a beer basically keep one beer and take really small sips once in a while. Also see if you can get O'douls brand beer where you go drinking it is almost completely non-alcoholic (0.35% per volume I think)
2008-04-03 6:25 pm
tell them alcoholism is in ur family and u dont want to become one.
2008-04-03 6:24 pm
Tell them you are a psychotic and if you drink you become dangerous.
They will accept you ;-)
2008-04-03 6:21 pm
Drink a glass of soda with a slice of lime in it. Sip on it with a straw. No one will even know you're not drinking alcohol. I do that when I go out and don't want to drink, but don't want to be harassed about not drinking.
2008-04-03 6:20 pm
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
Oh he’s feathered and he’s fine
He wobbles and he gobbles
And I’m awfully glad he’s mine.
He’s the best pet
You could ever get.
Better than a dog or cat.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
And I’m awfully glad of that.
Albuquerque he’s my turkey
He’s so cozy in his bed
Because for Thanksgiving dinner
We had scrambled eggs instead.

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