how to calculate the power?

2008-04-04 6:50 am
Winnie is ironing her cloth using a steam iron.Steam is produced at a rate of 5gmin^-1.
Find the power required to changes water at 25degree celsius to steam.

回答 (2)

2008-04-04 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Specific latent heat of vaporization of water:2.26x10^6J/kg
specific heat capacity of water is 4200Jkg^-1℃^-1
the answer tell us steam is produced at a rate of 5gmin^-1
and it is from 25℃ water,so we calculate...
the energy is needed for 5g25℃ water--->5g100℃ water
and the energy is needed for 5g100℃ water-->5g100℃steam
mc△t (△t means the change of temperature) Specific latent heat
=4200x0.005x(100-25) 0.005x2.26x10^6
=1575 11300
so we konw that there are required 12875J per min
the power required to changes 25℃ water to steam is 215w.

2008-04-03 23:06:19 補充:
=1575 11300<---呢度中間漏咗個(加)

2008-04-04 21:52:36 補充:
Gabriella Montez的方法比較正統!!較好~=v=
2008-04-05 4:16 am
我個方法有少少唔同, 僅作參考:
Let the mass of water be mkg.
E = ( m )( 4200 )( 100 - 25 ) + ( m )( 2.26 x 10^6 ) = 2575000m
E = Pt
2575000m = P ( m / 0.005 )( 60 )
P = 215W ( 3 s.f. )

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