
2008-04-04 6:07 am
e d句子係我自己作既,請你幫我睇下岩唔岩...


1.A new policy was implement in a haphazard situation.

2.George Bush implemented an useless policy last week.


1.Dictionary is beneficial to studying languages.

2.Exercies is beneficial to our health.

3.Developing hotel industry is beneficial to Hong Kong tourism.


1.Greoge Bush endorses to keep the policy of attacking Iraq.

2.HK government endorses the Chinese government to hold the Olympic games.

3.As a christian,they shouldn't endorse the homosexuality to become acceptably.

4.Many Indonesian endorse their government to suppress the Chinese businessman.


1.After we underwent this horrible voyage,our energies were exhausted.

2.If we don't take the plunge and stop wasting water,it will be exhausted in the foreseeable future.

3.I have exhausted my energy to help you to finish this project.

4.The exhaustion of iron is becoming worse,we must focus on this important issue.

5.We had exhausted the supply of food within 2 days.

第一句應該係:A new policy was implemented in a haphazard situation. 第四句應該係:Exercise is beneficial to our health.

回答 (2)

2008-04-05 7:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
-A new policy was implement(ed) in a haphazard situation.

-George Bush implemented (a) useless policy last week.
(however, you dont really say that, because the president dont implement policies all by himself...)

-Reading is beneficial to studying languages.
(dictionary is a must in learning new languages, so it doesnt really make sense to say dictionary is beneficial to studying languages)

-Exercising often is beneficial to your health.

-Focusing on developing the hotel industry will definitely be beneficial to the tourism in Hong Kong.

- We were exhausted after this trip.

- I am totally exhausted after helping you finishing this project.
參考: for the other ones, I am either not sure how to change, or the sentence itself didn't make sense to me... sorry.
2008-04-04 3:38 pm
2.George Bush implemented [a] useless policy last week.


1.[A] Dictionary is beneficial to studying languages.

3.Developing [hotel industries are ]beneficial to Hong Kong tourism.


1.[George] Bush endorses the policy of attacking Iraq.

3.As a christian,they shouldn't endorse homosexuality to become [acceptable].

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