please translate this sentence

2008-04-04 5:54 am
請安排延期表演至4月尾, 屆時將會有精彩演出.

回答 (3)

2008-04-05 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Kindly arrange to extend (postpone?) the show to end of April 2008, we guarantee a tremendous show will be performed by then.
I believe you mean extend(延長,延伸) & not postpone.
參考: Self
2008-04-04 7:16 am
Plese (postpone / defer / put off) the performance to the end of the April which will be a (brilliant / splendid / wonderful ) performance.
2008-04-04 7:03 am
Postpones the performance to 4 end of the month please, it will be a
splendid performance!
參考: me

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