
2008-04-04 4:17 am


蕃茄 4-6個 (大)
薯仔 1-2個
紅蘿蔔 1 個
豬骨 20 元


1. 所有材料洗淨、切粒;
2. 豬骨出水,放大半煲水,水滾放入所有材料,再滾關細火,煲 3小時即可。


薯仔 兩個
番茄 (小) 四個 / (大) 兩個
西芹 2碗
椰菜 2碗
洋葱 半碗 (熟)
甘筍 半碗 (熟)
瘦肉/瘦牛肉 4兩 (即160g)


鹽 半茶匙
胡椒粉 適量


[1] 把蔬菜和肉類洗淨瀝乾,並切成小塊備用。
[2] 以湯鍋煮滾約四湯碗清水,水滾後放入材料。
[3] 待湯色變成淡紅後便可熄火,加入調味料,即成。


回答 (2)

2008-04-06 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
番茄薯仔湯 Tomatoes and potatoes soup


蕃茄 4-6個 (大) 4 - 6 tomatoes
薯仔 1-2個 1 - 2 potatoes 紅蘿蔔 1 個 one carrot
豬骨 20 元 20 dollars of pig's backbones


1. 所有材料洗淨、切粒;Cut all the ingredients into cubes.
2. 豬骨出水,Boil the pig's backbones in a large bowl of boiling water for one minute, and rinse them under cold running water for one minute. 3.放大半煲水,水滾放入所有材料,再滾關細火,煲 3小時即可。Fill 3/4 of a soup-pot with water. Heat the water until it is boiling. After putting all the ingredients into the pot, heat until the soup is boiling again. Then, change the fire to medium and boil for 3 hours. It is ready to serve now.


薯仔 兩個 2 potatoes
番茄 (小) 四個 / (大) 兩個 4 small tomatoes / 2 large tomatoes
西芹 2碗 2 bowls of celery
椰菜 2碗 2 bowls of cabbage
洋葱 半碗 (熟) 1/2 bowl of cooked onion
甘筍 半碗 (熟) 1/2 bowl of cooked carrot
瘦肉/瘦牛肉 4兩 (即160g) 160 gm of lean pork / 160 gm of lean beef


鹽 半茶匙 1/2 teaspoonful of salt
胡椒粉 適量 Scanty of pepper


[1] 把蔬菜和肉類洗淨瀝乾,並切成小塊備用。Wash the vegetables and meat. Dry them and cut them into small pieces.
[2] 以湯鍋煮滾約四湯碗清水,水滾後放入材料。Pour 4 large bowls of water into a soup-pot. Heat the water until it is boiling. Put all the ingredients into the boiling water.
[3] 待湯色變成淡紅後便可熄火,加入調味料,即成。Boil until the soup is light-red in colour. Switch off the fire and add the seasonings into the soup. It is ready to serve now.

2008-04-05 16:41:38 補充:
薯仔蕃茄湯-----change the fire to medium 錯了,應該是 change the fire to small.
2008-04-04 4:23 am
4-6 tomatos(big)
Shu Zi 1-2
A radish
Pig bone 20 dollars
1. All materials wash, clearly slice a grain;
2. The pig bone pays water and enlarges half Bao water, water rolls to put into all materials and rolls again to close thin fire, Bao 3 hour then.

Shu Zi 2
West Qin 2 bowl
2 bowls of cabbages
Ocean? Half bowl(familiar)
Sweet bamboo shoot half bowl(familiar)
Lean meat/thin beef 4 two(namely 160 gs
Salt half teaspoon
The pepper is just the right amount of
[1] washes the vegetable and the meat clearly to drip, and cuts into a small piece back up.
[2] cooks to roll about four soup bowl clear waters by soup pot and water puts into material after rolling.
[3]'s needing a soup color after becoming the pale red then can turn off, join a seasoning, then become.

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