可否幫我finish the story呢??(Three wishes)THANKS!!!!!

2008-04-04 4:12 am
Once upon a time, three fisherman, Tom, Peter and Sam went fishing. A storm came and their boat sank. They swam to island and looked for food. Tom found some bananas and Sam caught some fish, but Peter got a bottle. Suddenly, a magic man came out from the bottle and asked them what the wanted.
..................................................................................................................................................(about 60 words)

回答 (1)

2008-04-04 1:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Once upon a time, three fishermen, Tom, Peter and Sam went fishing. A storm came and their boat sank. They swam to island and looked for food. Tom found some bananas and Sam caught some fish, but Peter got a bottle. Suddenly, a magic man came out from the bottle and asked them what they wanted. Tom said he wanted to go back home with lots of money. As for Peter, he wanted to go back home and be very famous. Sam, however, said“You know, I'm pretty lonely here. I want Tom and Peter back.”
參考: By my 11 yr old daughter

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