英文...............passive voice

2008-04-04 3:32 am
我既英文quit唔合格啊!但係我真係唔係幾識用passive voice,可唔可好詳細解釋比我聽!

仲有有d唔明係幾時要用passive voice,有時有d句子係用present tense,但係有時係用is am are+be.....唔明!!!!!!


回答 (2)

2008-04-04 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實每個句子都會有Active 同 Passive, 而--任何 Tense 時態--亦都會有 Active forms 同 Passive forms, 主動 或 被動

在一句 句子入面 :

(thing doing action ) ( verb ) ( thing receiving action )

John (subject) - washes - the dishes ( object )

在主動句當中, 某東西做着一個動作, 係 主詞, 而某物去接收該動作, 就係 受詞,
這些都是 主動句的特質.

而被動句則是 將之前 受詞 thing receiving action 變做 主詞, 放在句子前面,而通常 主詞 John 就會放到句子最後.


[Thing receiving action] [be] [past participle of verb] [by] [thing doing action)

eg : The dishes are washed by John
其實當你用 PASSIVE 時, 多數都是想表達接受動作的 -object--比較重要, 所以你想強調佢, 或當不想提及是誰人做那件事時, 便將那件事放於句子的最前並加以強調。而主詞 JOHN, 就會被放於句子的最後面。

一般 個 be 字, 其實係代 verb to be : is , am , are , was , were , being, been 所以見到個  be 字時就要識得去點轉做 is , am , are................

例如你問 Present tense 既 is , am , are be 就是 剛才上面的被動句子中

The dishes are washed by John .

are 就是  be 了  !!!

如果那句子是只有一隻碟子  The dish is washed by John.

is 就是 be  了
2008-04-04 6:13 am
when sm can't move or walk by itself,
e.g.the floor is swept by Mary.
so then as ucan see, passive vioce is
present tense: "is /am /are + past tense"
past tense:was /were+past tense"

..... .....
p.s. if you see some sentense that is like this one,
e.gThe floor was swept by someonemorning.
then u can skip the "someone"
and change the sentence to this:"The floor was swept this morning "

so, do u know what is passive vioce now?

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