Physics 挑戰題

2008-04-04 2:58 am
A man could lift 152.5 kg above his head.

a) The man 1.6m tall. Assume he lifted the mass to 1.8 m above his head.Estimate the minimum force that each of his arm acted on the barbell.

b) Explainbriefly whether a short weightlifter or a tall weightlifter has an advantage in this sport.

回答 (1)

2008-04-04 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案


a)Gain in PE of the mass:(152.5)(10)(1.6+1.8)=5185J
The work done by his two arms is to overcome the gain in PE of the mass:
b)A short weightlifer has an advantage.Since the gain in PE of the mass would be lesser for a short weightlifter
THe man needs to do less work to overcome it's PE increase

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