記憶卡格式化左, 仲可以搵返相嘛?

2008-04-04 12:31 am
佢問我要唔要格式化, 我禁左要,

各位可唔可以幫一幫我, 教我可以點做??

唔該唔該各位幫幫忙, d相對我真係好重要好有意義...

回答 (2)

2008-04-04 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以試下將記憶卡騻入電腦, 用電腦軟件還原卡內的資料.


幫你搵左個網址, 係免費軟件, 你可以下載係電腦試試
2008-04-05 1:40 am
Very likely the file table of your memory card has been corrupted so that your phone won't recognise the card and thus prompts you to reformat it.
I'm not sure how your phone formats your memory card, but if it is only soft-formatted then it is possible to use data recovery software to retrieve deleted data. (Just make sure you do not hard-format (ie. low-level format) your card, or no data can be rescued.)
That said, different data recovery software may give you different results. Many shareware and freeware claim they can recover files successfully but that is not always true. Also in the case of shareware, the program is crippled so that unless you buy the license you won't be actually able to recover the files.
Industrial grade data recovery software are always the best to tackle the problem. Some even have file repair function to repair rescued but corrupted image files and database files.
Information regarding data recovery software has been PMed to you, please check your email.

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