如果我係雅虎拍賣賣傷風藥, 咁我會唔會犯法?

2008-04-03 10:03 pm
如果我係雅虎拍賣賣傷風藥, 咁我會唔會犯法?
如果我係雅虎拍賣賣傷風藥, 咁我會唔會犯法?
如果我係雅虎拍賣賣傷風藥, 咁我會唔會犯法?

回答 (1)

2008-04-03 10:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It will depend on whether the medicine requires doctor prescription. If not, I would guess that is fine. Yahoo would also check if this is ok, try and you will see.
參考: me

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