MSN 有問題

2008-04-03 4:26 pm
我個MSN唔知做咩? 我改我個名及打句野 apply 完, 之後下次再login又打回原形, 個舊名係番到, 及句野又係唔見咗. 又check 唔到病毒, 都唔知點算. 我知一定有人hack住我架機, 因我login hotmail 時, 幅舊相show 出來的, 是我half year 前deleted 的 MSN 相, 幅舊相已在 我的 MSN Messenger 裡不存在, 但login email 時又係番到. 已轉了很多次password都係咁, 好煩呀! 有冇人知道發生什麼事, 怎樣可以解決呢?

回答 (2)

2008-04-03 5:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
would you logout your msn when you shutdown your computer?
mostly msn wont save your setting if you close it in a wrong way.
just try to signout your msn and avoid to shutdown it with your computer together first.
參考: myself
2008-04-03 5:29 pm
Thanks for your quick reply. BTW, I have changed my name and typed a sentence for many times, then I applied it and logout and also I didn't shut down my computer. Then I tried to login again, but I still couldn't change my information.

2008-04-03 09:30:05 補充:
It happens from half a year. One day, I found that my nickname has been changed to my real English name. Then I can't change it again. I got two MSN account, but only this one can't change information. It's my main MSN account, so I want to keep it. Do you know why it will happen?

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