that 字一問 (urgent)

2008-04-03 11:27 am
1.I don't like (that) the story has unhappy ending. or
2.I don't like that the story has unhappy ending.

3.I don't like the story that has unhappy ending.

另外, 1& 2都正確還是3正確 和本人想還問1&2 與3 的意思又是否一樣?
Thank you~

回答 (3)

2008-04-07 11:53 am
I don't like that the story has unhappy ending 比較正確﹐ 因為你是指明某一個故事.

如果把that 放在後面就會比較generalize.
Ex: I don't like stories that have unhappy endings.

Hope that help you! =]
參考: Me
2008-04-03 4:35 pm
3... i dont like the story that has an unhappy ending.
參考: me
2008-04-03 11:37 am
3比較正確. But " I don't like story that has unhappy ending." is better.
The word "the" is not necessary.

"That" is usually used to add a phrase that can give more information about the object.

In your sentence the object is "story". In my sentence the object is "phrase".
參考: me

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