how do you convert cm into mm?

2008-04-02 3:28 pm

回答 (6)

2008-04-02 3:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are 10 mm in every cm.

2008-04-02 3:47 pm
To do any conversion, find the relationship between the two units. In this case,
1 cm = 10 mm

This gives you two conversion factors:
1 cm/10 mm and 10 mm/1 cm
and if look at the equation, you'll see that
1 cm/10 mm = 10 mm/1 cm = 1

To convert 3 cm into mm, multiply by a conversion factor:
3 cm × (10 mm/ 1cm) = 30 mm
note that the "cm" cancels out, leaving you with the answer in mm.

To convert 30 mm into cm, multiply by the other conversion factor:
30 mm × (1 cm/10 mm) = 3 cm
Again, some of the units cancel out, leaving you with the units you want.
2008-04-02 3:53 pm
1 cm = 10 mm
參考: Online Conversion
2016-11-04 4:44 pm
Cm Into Mm
2015-08-06 10:31 am
This Site Might Help You.

how do you convert cm into mm?
參考: convert cm mm:
2014-01-27 11:42 pm
I mm=533 centimeters
2013-09-12 6:00 pm
2008-04-02 3:31 pm
times the number of cm by 10
2008-04-02 3:31 pm
multiply cm by 10 -----> mm
2008-04-02 3:30 pm
multiply the centimeters by 10.

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