
2008-04-03 7:18 am
你好 game 我好像你
雖然我跟你 見過一次面 可我愛上你了 你的笑聲 我喜歡 我不喜歡你做的工作 我知道你不喜歡 你也不想的 我很想幫你 你可能覺得我 可笑 我想讓你幸福 家裏的困難 我幫你解決 可以的話 和我一起 我不是説笑 我會努力學習英文 學習你家鄉的文化 我不會在有女朋友 我會照護你一生一世 給我一個機會
來我這裡 我來照護你 ~

回答 (4)

2008-04-07 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, Game, We are alike
Although we have only met once,i have already fallen in love with you. I like the sound of your laughter. I do not like your work, I know you do not like it too and do not want to do it either; I really wanted to help you. You might be laughing at my silliness, but i really want you to experience joy and happiness. Let me solve the problems in your family. If it is possible, i wanted to be together with you. This is not a joke. I will learn English and learn the culture of your home town. I will not have a girlfriend because i only want to be with you.I will take care of you , forever. Just give me a chance.

Come to me and let me take care of you.


參考: 我自已- 絕對冇用翻譯軟件
2008-04-04 6:40 pm
hi game, i'm similar to you

Even though i've met you for only once, but i have fall in love with you already. I love your laugh, i dislike your job. I understood you don't like it. You don't want to. I really wanted to help you. You probably think it's funny. I want to give you happiness, helping you face family problems. If possible, be with me. I'm not kidding, i will try to learn english, also your family's culture. I will never have a girl friend anymore. I will take care of you. Give me a chance.
I will be here and take care of you.
參考: me
2008-04-04 4:05 am

2008-04-03 7:37 am

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