
2008-04-03 5:53 am
為甚麽這句"I didn't actually see the film, but from what I 've read I am sure that I wouldn't have enjoyed it.是對?而不可用wouldn't enjoy it?

wouldn't have enjoyed 是什麽tense?什麽情況下可用這個tense?


回答 (2)

2008-04-03 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
wouldn not have enjoyed 係past perfect tense

而wouldn not 係model verb(輔助動詞)...


例如: can, must, will...而would就係will既過去式


如果用wouldn not enjoy it就係用緊 past future tense架啦...

wouldn not have enjoyed既意思就係之前冇參與過

past perfect tense就係用在之前已經完成左既情況
2008-04-08 6:36 am
would have + pp is used to when you wanna tell an imagnary situation.

I suppose you know there are four types of the use of IF

One of them is used to tell an imaginary consequence of an imaginary situation. However, the reality can never be changed to that imaginary situation.

For example,If Mrs Law hadnt imposed those ridiculous policies, teachers would not have suffered

To understand this sentence, you first need to know the fact that Mrs. Law DID impose some ridiculous policies and teachers DID suffered. You can see that the sentence is actually telling an imaginary situation (policies were not imposed) and the imaginary consequence (teachers didnt suffer)

So would have+pp is used to tell what would have happened if something happened in the other way. Since it is something happened in the past, no one can change it. That is why it is only telling an imaginary consequence.

So it is fine to use "wouldnt have enjoyed it" in the sentence you quoted.
I didn't actually see the film, but from what I 've read I am sure that I wouldn't have enjoyed it (if i had watched it)

The FACT is you DIDNT watch the movie. And here the imaginary situation is you DID watch the movie and the imaginary consequence of WATCHED IT is I wouldnt have enjoyed it

hope it helps
參考: me

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