Why HK Disneyland is unpopular?

2008-04-03 2:24 am
Disney is a new park with popular cartoons.Why the no. of visits in Disney is lower than Ocean Park?

回答 (3)

2008-04-03 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Although Hong Kong Disneyland is popular in cartoons , they are same with other countries such as Japan , USA . Moreover , most of the games ,
events and equipment are similar to other Disneyland.
However, Ocean Park is a unique park in the world.Also , there are
many own games .
From the obove points , we know the reason why the number of visitors in Disney is lower than Ocean Park? Because most of them have never been to Ocean Park.

I hpoe they can hope you!
參考: My knowledge
2008-04-04 9:20 am
wonder why people can jump into conclusion so easily ?! any hard facts ?
Wendy, do you define 'unpopular' = less number of visitors ?

2008-04-04 01:21:05 補充:
in fact, the recent world wide rating of theme parks, Ocean Park ranks 16 whereas Disneyland Hongkong ranks 25.

2008-04-09 12:39:18 補充:
To analyse better, we should consider their strategy in the following areas:

2008-04-09 12:39:28 補充:
1. PRICE differentiation - Ocean Park wins

2. PRODUCT differentiation - Ocean Park has competitive advantage as it is not just entertaining business, they have educational favors (sea creatures and animals lives, panda, etc...)

2008-04-09 12:39:39 補充:
3. MARKETING differentiation - Ocean Park growth attributes to the success of tourist package bundled with the mainland travel agency
2008-04-03 9:57 pm
Two main issues :
a. The Taste of the customers:
- so many amusements parks in ASIA and China, eg. Lotte in Korea,
the Chang Long in Guangzhou, and many in SZ, Zhuhai, Thailand,
Malaysia, Japan. ...
Competitiors of Disneyland offer a much bigger complex with much
much more varieties to play with.
customers have so many choices and then when compare among them,
they found Disney is more for Kids, not for Young mans.
The HK Disney Land is too small in scale. One day is over.
- No young men and ladies will stick to the mickey mouse today,
they like it, but they have so many other choices.

b. Kids Market :
- HK Parents are so busy, and they think the park is too expensive, so
once is enough, and they found no reasons for them to bring their kids
there every month.
- When you revisit HK Disneyland, you will see the same Lion King
Show again, they dont event try to make a new show to us like Ocean

My conclusion is :
1. Competition is fierce, customers tastes changes.
2. Product Feature to the target market limitation

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