請問”睇醫生”嘅英文 ?

2008-04-03 12:16 am
1. 請問"睇醫生"嘅英文, 可以寫成" doctor consultation"嗎 ?
除了"visit doctor/ consult doctor", 還其他說法嗎?

2. "家有特別事情發生,想提離開", 咁英文又點講呢 ?

Thank you very much !

回答 (4)

2008-04-03 2:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.“ 睇醫生”除了 to consult a doctor 或 to visit a doctor 外, 還有以下說法:

To see a doctor (eg. You should see a doctor about your cough --- Cambridge International Dictionary of English)

To go to the doctor’s (doctor’s = 診療室, 診所)

當中以 to consult a doctor 和 to see a doctor 較常用。

﹝我們有 physical exercise (體育活動) 和 physical changes (物理變化) 等, 但並無 physical doctor 這東西;可能網友指的是 physician, 這個字解 醫師、醫生, 但通常傷風感冒等病情用 doctor 可以了﹞

2. “家有特別事情發生, 想提早離開”

Something unexpected has happened at home. Excuse me for leaving early.

Something unexpected has happened to my family. I want to ask for a leave of absence.
2008-04-03 1:26 am
1.Go to the doctor/see the docter
2.I want to leave early because there is something happen of my home.
參考: me
2008-04-03 1:23 am
Look askance doctor
Something special happens in home, want to carry and leave
2008-04-03 12:39 am
1/ Consulting a physical doctor.”睇醫生”
2/ There are something special happened at home, please excuse me for I have to leave earlier (right now).
參考: Self

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