prosumer, DSLR

2008-04-03 12:00 am
budget: (if DSLR, including lens)under 4500;(if prosumer, about3500)
purpose: for scenic photography and daily life. not sports photography or wildlife photographt. however, maybe i want to take a photo of a scenery which is far away from my location.

is the prosumer more suitable for me??if yes, G9 or any suggestion?
if DSLR, ...

also, is there anything i must noticewhen i buy the digital camera?

1more question, for scenic photography, is the prosumer has about the same quality to DSLR??

thanks a lot.

你好。咁我想問下,如果我會影d比較遠既野,如由山頭A去影山頭B、C、D,咁G9 應唔應付得黎呢? 同埋,如果係咁多方面黎講,G9定R8會稍為優勝少少呢?同埋,聽人講話有唔少人買左R8冇耐就賣機或者退貨,唔知係唔係真既呢

回答 (1)

2008-04-03 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
個人提議你選擇一些prosumer dc,一些二輪出產之dc都不過三千,亦不用煩惱將來換鏡問題。g9是袋裝相機,功能全面,價錢亦平。同級有panasonic之tz3及ricoh之r8(因是首輪產品,價錢高些少)。如不怕相機大部,則可選fuji之s9600,有入門dslr之操控感,效果亦相當好,只需$2800而已。
"for scenic photography, is the prosumer has about the same quality to DSLR??",當然無可能。

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