創意標題!!! 急!!

2008-04-02 10:59 pm
我想請大家幫手諗諗有無咩創意既標題可以配合一個tour係講食香港美食.. 中文叫"港飲港食".. 我想要一個英文既.. (唔係直譯)


回答 (3)

2008-04-03 3:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Have a meal in Hong Kong
2) Food and Drink Paradise - Hong Kong
3) Fantastic Meal in Hong Kong
4) Wonderful Hong Kong Food Wonderful
5) Love Eating Love Hong Kong
6) Meal in Hong Kong
7) Kong’s Meal
8) Kong’s Food and Drink

因為King Kong都系Hong Kong 個Kong
個題目雖然好似系King Kong’s Meal
但系真正含意就系Hong Kong’s Meal !
參考: me'!
1) Hong Kong Fantastic Food

2) Mei Mei Hong Kong [美味香港]

3) Yo! Come to eat my food, man!

4) The Yeah food of Hong Kong

5) Do you know what food Hong Kong have?

參考: 我的腦
2008-04-02 11:06 pm
港飲港食 in English would be....

Drink with Hong Kong Food.


Standing in the middle of Hong Kong Foods.


Food changes Hong Kong. <i>

P.S. Food is an uncountable noun, but while you wanna describe many kinds of foods. You should put an s after food.</i>
參考: 自己

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