我想進修d 同marketing / PR 有關的課程, 有冇好介紹? (15點)

2008-04-02 8:48 am
我本身唔是做開marketing, 但是對marketing 同 PR都有興趣, 但是無相關的學歷同工作經驗, 比較難轉工, 所以想進修下.
我本身F.7畢業, 做過幾年SHIPPING, 但是太多野做同幾悶而轉做現在呢份工, 但是我同身邊的朋友都覺得HR唔岩我做, 佢地話marketing / PR 會岩我D, 而且我都有興趣, 所以希望大家介紹D課程給我 !
1. 最好是DIPLOMA 或以上;
2. 最好認受性高 D (最好大學舉辦的) ;
3. 一定要是PART-TIME讀, 而且仲要可以係持續進修基金退8成回學費. (因為我都唔是有錢女, 仲要生活的 !)
請各位多多幫忙 !!! Thanks !!!

回答 (3)

2008-04-03 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
try HK PolyU SPEED

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations / 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士

Reimbursable courses/programmes (either all or some of the modules within a programme) under Continuing Education Fund
Programme Code 84014
Normal Duration 3 years (Part-time mode)

Entry Requirements For admission to the programme, applicants should possess a Higher Diploma or an Associate Degree in business related disciplines or equivalent.

Applicants from non-business disciplines may be considered, but will be required to take bridging courses as designated by SPEED prior to admission.

Applicants who do not possess the above-mentioned qualifications but have reached the age of 25 at commencement of study may also apply. Mature applicants should possess relevant working experience at supervisory/managerial positions and prior post-secondary studies in related fields. Applicants will be required to provide a portfolio on their organizational involvement, leadership and professional experience, and demonstrate their ability to complete the programme to the Admission Committee at an interview; and
(i) pass an admission test; and
(ii) have an appropriate level of English language competence such competence would be demonstrated by at least grade E in HKCEE English (Syllabus B) or equivalent.
Programme Information Commencement of study 1 Sep 2008
Credits required for graduation 45 credits
Medium of instruction English

Fees Application: HK$150

Tuition: HK$1,900 per credit in academic year 2008/09

Caution Money: HK$390

Application and Enquiries Contact Information:

Programme Leader - Mr. K.F. Lau (Tel: 3400 2680; Email: [email protected])

Senior Programme Officer - Ms. Fenny Wong (Tel:3400 2682; Email:[email protected])

Administrative Assistant - Ms. Apple Ng (Tel: 3400 2840)

General Hotline: 3400 2828
Fax: 2363 0540
2008-04-15 6:18 am
my msn:[email protected]
or my tel : 61029376

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