F.3 BIO轉中文``急急急!

2008-04-02 4:09 am
-The right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs
for gas exchange.
-The blood becomes oxygenated.
-Oxygenated blood is collected by the pulmonary veins and returned to the
left atrium and then to the left ventricle.
-Contraction of left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood out of the heart through
the aorta and arteries to all parts of the body(except the lungs)
-When the blood reaches the capillaries supplying a tissue or an organ,
exchange of materials takes place
-Oxygen and nutrients diffuse from blood to the cells.
-Carbon dioxide and other wastes diffuse in the opposite direction.
-The blood then becomes deoxygenated.
-It is then carried by veins and drained into the right atrium through the
venae cavae.

回答 (2)

2008-04-02 8:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
--The right ventricle pumps blood through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs
for gas exchange.
- The blood becomes oxygenated.
-Oxygenated blood is collected by the pulmonary veins and returned to the left atrium and then to the left ventricle.
- 被氧化的血液由肺靜脈收集和返回到左心房,然後到左心室。
-Contraction of left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood out of the heart through the aorta and arteries to all parts of the body(except the lungs)
- 左心室的收縮抽走被氧化的血液;在心臟通過大動脈,和傳到身體其他地方之動脈(除了肺部份的動脈)
When the blood reaches the capillaries supplying a tissue or an organ,
exchange of materials takes place
- 當血液到達組織或器官之微絲血管, 新陳代謝出現
-Oxygen and nutrients diffuse from blood to the cells.
- 氧氣和營養素從血液中輸送到對細胞。
-Carbon dioxide and other wastes diffuse in the opposite direction.
- 二氧化碳和其它廢物開始在相反方向運送。
- -The blood then becomes deoxygenated.
-It is then carried by veins and drained into the right atrium through thevenae cavae.
- 然後血液便由靜脈運載,然後通過大靜脈,輸送入右邊的心房。
參考: my own writing
2008-04-02 5:00 am
- 右心室抽血液通過肺動脈到肺為氣體交換。- 血液成為氧化。- 被氧化的血液由肺靜脈收集和返回到左心房和然後到左心室。- 左心室的收縮抽被氧化的血液在心臟通過主動脈和動脈外面到所有body(except 的部份肺) - 當血液到達血絲供應組織或器官, 材料交換發生- 氧氣和營養素散開從血液對細胞。- 二氧化碳和其它廢物散開在相反方向。- 血液然後成為deoxygenated 。- 它由靜脈運載和然後被排泄入正確的心房通過venae.cavae 。

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