✔ 最佳答案
1.「Suica card ¥2000」(¥1500 (可付車資及購物用之電子貨幣, just like money) 及 ¥500 (按金). 憑卡乘搭東京圈內重要交通工具 (包括的士) 、於駅內商店消費,甚至到空港、駅外連鎖食店及商店均可拍卡付款。又可在飲料機用. 退卡:可於JR東日本範圍內之みどりの窓口 (Ticket Office) 退卡,說 (或寫) 「預り金」、「デポジツト」或「カード返卻」等簡單語。如Suica的餘額不足付款可另加現金湊數。餘額:退回按金以外餘額,要另付¥210手續費,而餘額亦不可移入他卡,因此盡用餘額為佳。That means the best is to let your Suica card to have only ¥500 balance, then you do not have to pay any money and get back your deposit. The difference between Suica and money is that some of the shops do not accept Suica, but almost all transportation can accept.
2. Point card actually is like our Pack'n Shop card, you buy something in certain amount and you get the same point. Upon reaching to a certain level, you can use the point to have discount for some goods in the shop. I do not know the point level because I have never spent so much and thus did not apply for a point card.
3. 160yen/件?(這麼平?) - YES, very delicious !
4. 百果園 - 4 pieces of strawberries = ¥100
5. Not much different. 築地 is more like a fish market, while 外築 is also like a market, just have other things also. The food is more or less the same.
For the other 2 questions I will answer later tonight.
2008-04-02 04:39:40 補充:
6. 學聯旅遊
7. Most Japan Hotels do not require credit card.
www.toyoko-inn.com/china- (東橫inn),雙人房大約$6800yen,
www.mytrip.co.jp- 首先簡單登記做會員,可選擇價錢或任何要求,discount around 20 to 70 %.
To be continued in next answer.
2008-04-02 04:43:19 補充:
http://www.superhotel.co.jp/商務酒店集團 雙人房大約$7000yen,-
http://www.housejp.com.tw池袋之家, 電話:81-3-3984-3399/傳真81-3-3984-3999 contact:陳太
Again too many words. Please look up for next answer.
2008-04-02 04:45:23 補充:
http://www2.discuss.com.hk/hotel/hotelclub.html-this web site can book different hotels:
Shinjuku New City Hotel Tokyo(around HK$500)
Sky Court Asakusa Tokyo(HKD464)淺草
Try your best to book hotel from HK!!! Japan Hotel is always full !!! Especially 東橫inn.
參考: Myself, Myself + Yahoo Knowledge+, Myself, Myself