去加拿大再去美國的travel document requirement

2008-04-02 1:49 am
我知道特區護照去canada唔洗簽證.. 但係都係問清楚先
5月22日 hk to vancouver
5月25日 vancouver to orlando
8月8日 orlando to vancouver
8月19日 vancouver to hk

我有美國visa, 所以飛美國o個陣應該冇問題
但係我飛返canada o個陣會唔會有咩問題?? 洗唔洗咩其他文件???

回答 (2)

2008-04-02 11:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Please check up your USA visa, whether it is for one time or multiple entries.

If you have a multiple entries USA visa, you can go in and out to and from USA without problem. However, the USA immigration is the one deciding how many days you can stay in US. In your case you are staying in US for more than 70 days, it is quite a long period. You better have some supporting documents in hand to let those US immigration people knows that you are not planning to stay in US for long. A returning ticket is helpful but not all the time safe. Normally for single lady - young or middle age the US people will be more careful because they are afraid that these people will stay in US and get married.

To avoid this problem it is better to have copies of your marriage cert (if you have), or company letter (if you go there for business), or bank book copy (to show people that you are rich enough and have no need to stay in US)

2. From Orlando to Vancouver will be no problem.
參考: Myself
2008-04-02 5:19 am
你都知道特區護照去canada唔洗簽證, 你又有美國VISA, 咁你重驚乜野呢?
放心啦! 所需既文件, 你有齊晒啦, 祝你旅途愉快, 玩得開心D !

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