”一疏蕉” 嘅英文點講 ?

2008-04-01 8:12 pm
"一疏蕉" 嘅英文點講 ? "一疏蕉" 嘅英文點講 ^^

回答 (3)

2008-04-01 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.
Up to three hands (and over) is called a bunch.

蕉樹多數產有3 hand 疏。

2008-04-01 8:25 pm
用 cluster

A bunch of bananas is a cluster of bananas
2008-04-01 8:19 pm
A cluster of bananas

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