Transfer from university to another univerisity

2008-04-01 1:30 pm

I would like to know if I can study in my univerity for ONLY 1 quarter, and then transfer to another univeristy? I heard some of my friends said that I have to stay at a college/university for at least 1 year before I transfer to other univerisites. Is that true?

回答 (1)

2008-04-10 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most of people I know stayed at a college/university for at least 1 year, since it doesn't make much sense if one studies in a college for less than 1 yr. The time period is way too short, and it doesn't worth it to deal with all those procedures. If you want to take some classes in that temporary college, you don't need to study there just for that quarter. You can just enter the university you will end up with and transfer credits from that college to the university while you are taking classes in both schools.

Also, if the temporary school is far from the university and it isn't possible to study in two colleges in the same time, you might really have to study in the temporary college for a quarter, and then transfer to another university. However, watch out for the university's format of school year. Some universities are not in quarter format; instead, they work in a quarterly format. And there might be a little time conflict between schools if the two universities' school years are formatted differently.

Good luck with that~
參考: self...!

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