
2008-04-01 8:34 am
This TV advertising just mention the female in the office post is a manger, so
that we can see female in this centaury is upgrade.

改一改 thx!

回答 (4)

2008-04-01 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
This TV commerical has just mentioned that the post in
the office is a female manager, that women's position
in this century is being upgraded as seen.
2008-04-01 6:08 pm
This TV advertisement just mentioned the female is a manageress, which indicates that position of female is upgrading in this century. (nowadays)
參考: Self
2008-04-01 2:03 pm
This TV advertising just mentions the female in the office post is a manager(manageress), so we can see females in this century are upgraded.

1. This TV advertising 是單數,mention 要 + s ;
2. manager 可用 manageress;
3. so= 所以; so that =引致
4. so we can see females (很多女性) are upgraded(被提升)
5.century = 世紀;
2008-04-01 8:37 am
This commercial exactly mentions that the position of the lady in the office is Manager. We can see the status of female in this centuary is higher.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:22:13
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