Eng - 股海, 談情說愛, 突高突低, 英文點講?

2008-04-01 12:46 am
Dear Writing Experts,

Eng - 1 股海
2 談情說愛,
3 突高突低,

3. 應該是忽高忽低。


sorry, 我是分別問三樣嘢 1 股海 英文 2 談情說愛 英文 3 突高突低 英文 不過妳的形容詞很好, 好貼切 其他的可否答埋我呀!

回答 (2)

2008-04-01 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案

股海 英文 is the stock market, market shares
eg. There are many buyers and sellers who buy or sell shares in the stock market.

談情說愛 英文 fell in love

eg. They fell in love with each other
She fell in love with him

突高突低 英文 fluctuate

eg. The stock prices of '444' fluctutaes everyday.
參考: my own writing
2008-04-01 12:54 am
在下會用[坐過山車]來形容: roller coaster ride
The stock prices are taking on a roller coaster ride.
I am in love. My emotions are taking on a roller coaster ride.
Her love affair takes her on a roller coaster ride.
參考: 自家意見, 歡迎批評指正!

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