bill of lading 同 seawaybill 的分別

2008-03-31 8:55 pm
想問bill of lading 同 seawaybill 有什麼不同,是不是由客戶要求出那份單呢?

回答 (2)

2008-04-01 5:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
seaway bill 係 bill of lading 其中一種,如果你係 b/l 裡面個 shipper,你可以選擇出seaway bill 或者出 一套三張既 original bill of lading。如果你選擇出 seaway bill,你既consignee就無需要交還一套三張既 bill of lading 比 carrier / freight fowarder,你既consignee馬上可以囉貨。如果你係選擇bill of lading,你既consignee 一定要交還一套三張 original b/l 比 carrier / freight forwarder, 佢地先肯放貨比consignee,如果無就一定唔可以放。通常一套三張original b/l 都係會交比shipper 去喳住,等shipper 自己決定幾時send 套單去比consignee.
參考: me
2008-04-02 2:49 am
I also can learn and know something more from it.

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