trouble with my GF's ex !!?

2008-03-31 5:34 am
Ok i love my GF soo much, but im haveing issues with her ex. She was dating him for 5 years in another country and had a child, she left him and her son moved to the states, her son is 5 now. so after 2 years in the states she met me as her second boyfriend, shes 21 im 22 her ex 24. but they are close friends soo close that they share everything. they both sweet talk for two years, even though she explained to her ex that it was over between them. now that he found out shes seriouse with me he wont stop calling her harrasing her, texting her i love you plz come back. hes crazy even hacks into her email accounts. and searching through my info. he sends her love poems online on their " secrete email account" she tells me that i should let her handle the situation and to trust her. but its not stoping its only getting worse. i told her i want her to stop being his friend and tell him to leave her alone. but she says she cant she has a kid and she dosent love him but she still cares

she says she feels bad that hes in soo much pain she wants to comfort him... i told her im hurt i dont know what to do maybe im over reacting?


her son lives with her ex.

回答 (22)

2008-04-03 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
why do i love you so much my dear asawa?
asawa listen, i know i taught you to go here in yahoo answers and now you are using it and post questions about us, and its cute. because before its only me who always post questions about us. anyhow, i keep telling you dont be bothered about it..its over. theres nothing bet me and him anymore. so just trust me. i need you trust me. you dont have to tell me what to do because i know what im doing, you can suggest and be open about it but dont give me orders.
I love you, you are my present and he is my past. So please dont worry about it ok?


I love you my baby chocolate panda
2008-03-31 1:36 pm
OKAY. When you are dating someone with a child from a previous realtionship.. it can get tricky. you have to be understanding, that the other parent will have to be in there life because of the child. BUT there conversations should be mostly concerning the child, that is it! He should not be professing his love for her, talking to her on a "secret account", begging her to come back to him.. AND i bet.. shes leading him on a bit.. if your firm with someone and tell them you have moved on.. and that there behavior is inappropriate etc.. they usually quit, and if they dont,then you involve police etc.. if hes harrassing and breaking into email accounts, hes in the wrong, and if she doesnt so something about it, Id leave her... cus that means she enjoys the attention and isnt completly over him either. best of luck, sry ur going through this
2008-03-31 1:26 pm
Help them get back together... I know it sounds ridiculous, but as a very selfless thing to do you'll be helping the kid be reunited into a happy family with both his mom and dad.
參考: Just an alternative opinion
2008-03-31 5:12 pm
if i were in your place, id be very hurt. the fact that they have a secret email account says a lot. why dont you try and tell her to go back to her ex if she really is that close to him. maybe she will realize who she is in love with.
2008-03-31 1:57 pm
Seriously your girlfriend just has to straight up tell him "ITS OVER. I'M OVER IT. SO YOU GET OVER IT"
Thats seriously annoying or her and you. Whatever you do, DO NOT go find the guy and tell him to **** off. Seriously, you'll only cause more trouble. Speak with your girlfriend and tell her to seriously handle it. You dont need that kind of drama
Good luck
2008-03-31 1:56 pm
punch the guy in the face
2008-03-31 1:45 pm
Find a friend of yours to have a girl calling you up and telling you she loves you and then see how she feels. I guarantee she will get jealous and hurt and then throw it in her face. It will either mend the relationship or end it. You have no other option.
2008-03-31 9:59 pm
Dude........... this has "bad ending" written all over it. Girls are funny............. they have this "We are just friends" thing going on with men... but you and I both know that any man who is attracted to a woman will make a run at her if he gets the chance. Women, meanwhile, will tell you how important guy friends are.... they just don't get it.

The fact that he's her ex would also give you pause for thought regarding their current relationship. To me, there's something odd going on. I get that they should remain in contact for the sake of their kid.... but any more than that and I would start to wonder.

I would caution you to be very careful....... there could be a rekindling of the flame with these two. Trust her, if you want... but keep both eyes open, you know?
2008-03-31 5:51 pm
So the child she had was his son? If that's the case this man will always always be a part of your life with her.

Unfortunately, until her ex finds another woman, he will most likely keep contacting your girlfriend. He isn't over her completely. Hopefully she isn't stringing him along.

I can understand that she still cares about him because he is the Father of her child, but it should be nothing more than friendship now.

Good luck.
2008-03-31 5:50 pm
The best thing you could do here is trust her. Back off, way off. Tell her you'll be here for support if she needs it, but your jealousy reared its ugly little head already & that could drive her back to her ex (she has the boy or her ex has the boy?).

Just be the best loving & caring BF to her & that will be reason enough for her to stay with you. Remember, he is the ex for a reason -- he had his chance & blew it. Now it's your turn. Don't blow it and become her second ex.

Best of luck to you in this now & in the future!!!
2008-03-31 5:38 pm
hate to break it to you, but girls can never be "just friends" with a guy..especially not one who she even shares a CHILD with...You should probably really think this through and ask yourself is you're really strong or whatever enough to put everything on the line, and just let her deal with this on her own.. I wouldn't..but hey! that's just me.
2008-03-31 5:19 pm
jealousy. definitly jealousy.

not from your side hun, his.

eventually your girl is gonna wake up and notice what hsi up to.

hope that helped.
2008-03-31 5:08 pm
check this out...she is always gonna have a relation with him you like it or not, if they were together for five years they're must of been something she really liked about him, he was probably her first love, she was what 15 or so when she hooked up with him?...that love is always gonna be there, you need to grow some ballz and take care of the situation, if you let her handle it she will fall weak, plus if she has his children you're heading towards heartbreak, sorry bro, this really sux but its life,
2008-03-31 1:56 pm
This is what happend to my mum and dad, and my mum got really upset and jelous and that is what ruined the relationship. (he never got back with his ex)

i think you should trust her, i mean by her being with you means that she likes you more than him. and she probly just doesnt want you to get involved because it would ruin the frienship that she has with her ex, and her son

just leave it all to her i dont think you have anything to worry about. she loves you not him and he should see that soon, and the love peoms etc will stop (in time)

good luck
2008-03-31 1:54 pm
Well, if you feel as if you can trust her, and think she can handle this on her own then let her. If you think she can't handle it and her ex is overwhelming her, then you need to step in.
2008-03-31 1:54 pm
u r nt over reacting .its bt natural to feel da way u r doin'........ if u really love her stand by her and trust.let her know u r thre for her... n' it is a bit hard for her to get away from her son. after all he's her son. she'll nt ditch u n' go wid her ex.....believe this in ur heart.....n' if they r so gud friends then its difficult to part ways but yeah i feel her ex needs a brainwash.......gud luck :)
2008-03-31 1:54 pm
Man... You know, if anything it's your fault for being with this woman.
You need to tell her to stop seeing him, get custody, I don't know what else. Because if she can't then you'll just have to deal with the fact that she needs to see her son.
2008-03-31 1:53 pm
Damn dude... your in a pretty bad situation. Unfortunately The "Ex" is always going to be around weather you like it or not because of their kid together. The only thing you could do is keep trying to get it across to your girlfriend that you dont like whats going on. Tell her your okay with them staying in touch for their child but nothing beyond that. Or if your balsy enough you can even confront her Ex boyfriend and tell him whats up. Just keep trying to get it through to your girlfriend. If she wants to stay with you she will keep her previous relationship to a "friends only" extent. Hope this helps somewhat
2008-03-31 1:52 pm
That's bad.

Why is the son with the ex? If you love her, will you love her son as much? Get the son back (if possible) are they offically divorced? Suggest to talk to her ex nicely. if matters really get out of hand then it's best to call the cops.
2008-03-31 1:51 pm
Sounds like you are on the verge of either losing her or getting her.
First things first, search yourself, and think "Is she REALLY the one girl for you?" Do you love her 100%? would you be willing to die for her?
Some of those may be tough, but if you can answer those truthfully, then it will help.

If you are convinced she is the one for you, then comes the toughest part for men in relationships (it seems).

Sit her down, and tell her that you love her with all your heart (but only if you really do), and that you want to be with her. Then tell her that you trust her to do what is right in this situation, be it go back to him, or stay with you.

Best of luck my friend.
2008-03-31 5:34 pm
confront hi mand if he don stop call cops for harrasment you get 1k for emotional distress also heheh make him pay trust me ive looked into thsi stuff
2008-03-31 12:44 pm
actually, i think u should really trust her. a male friend of a girl means a lot of things, we girls truely have no feelings on them but we are really cherishing every friendship with boys. though the boys may not think things so purely we still do not want to abandon the relationship. what's more is that ur gf has a son and the father of him is her ex, if u stop them contacting with each other is absolutely not good. so trust her and stand by her side. she will not leave u. caring her only child is not a bad thing right.

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