幫我翻譯做英文!! 急急急!!thx~~~

2008-03-31 3:08 am








回答 (5)

2008-03-31 3:53 am
✔ 最佳答案

Sea park The sea park is located south Hong Kong Island, in 1977 completed, is the present Asia biggest sea Shui national minority field hall concurrently amusement park. This garden divides Gao Yuan and the low two parts, two gardens impractical cranes are connected, is equipped with the escalator to lead to the summit in addition. In the garden is equipped with 6 large-scale games projects, including: The crazy roller coaster, the sea theater (in have the porpoise, the sea lion and the upper air diving exhibition; Sea Tao hall and sea hall (world biggest aquarium). The giant under water observation room, the tourist passable glass has watched each kind of marine animal to patrol differ in thousands of ways in under water; The shark hall, in this hall more than 80 sharks, from in the glass tunnel which specially makes may appreciate it to live the habit. In addition, but also has aquatic amusement facility and so on the paradise, ferris wheel, slippery wave airship, sea skyscraping tower. Victoria Peak summit Victoria Peak is named the Victoria Peak, is one of Hong Kong most famous tour paradises. This principle is equipped with very much specially the equipment which looks at

2008-03-30 19:55:15 補充:
the scenery for the tourist, from the mountain the bird's eye view Victoria harbor and the Kowloon peninsula, takes in everything at a glance. Hong Kong's night scene world is famous. .

2008-03-30 19:55:54 補充:
Best watches the position the old-style ancient fragrant lion pavilion (to be named old lining pavilion) for the cable car main terminal nearby and the spatial 矌 joy person's summit park and so on.

2008-03-30 19:56:09 補充:
The summit square looks into the distance from a high place the sunset scenery to be most ideal. Suits the picnic hike the Hong Kong Island diameter also □to start on a journey from this. Australia This small fishing

2008-03-30 19:56:25 補充:
port has name of the Hong Kong Venice. Because this place three is welled up divides into two places, the transportation depends on horizontal Shui Tu to relate, but the inhabitant also by the skiff, the shuttle

2008-03-30 19:56:43 補充:
communicates, therefore has this reputation. Local Australia the temple stands in great numbers, after counts the concerned emperor, Yang Hou, Hong Sheng, the day and so on the ancient temple. The boundary tablet which Yang Houmiao opposite

2008-03-30 19:57:11 補充:
Xiangshan has stands in 1902 rented when New Territory the border survey to force. Australia produces the salty fish and the shrimp paste is quite famous. Weekend and the holiday has in the central area and Tsuen Wan goes of Heaven Buddha

2008-03-30 19:57:37 補充:
as a result of the Chinese airspace division design and the manufacture, the project lasts for 12 years, spends more than 6,,000 ten thousand HK dollars, amounts to 250 tons with the copper quantity

2008-03-30 19:57:56 補充:
the gold more than 4,000 catties; Bronze statue height 26.4 meters, approximately 6,567 square meters, a modelling face auspicious, the right hand evenly puts in front of the chest, explains universals restoration the fear not to be difficult.

2008-03-30 19:58:25 補充:
參考: fiish
2008-03-31 11:42 pm
文字太多, 只會鼓勵人用 聰明筆等自動網譯, 和你自已用軟件自動翻譯沒有兩樣, 完全沒有意思.

大澳= australia, 天啊
2008-03-31 7:39 pm
Sea park

The sea park is located south Hong Kong Island, in 1977
completed, is the present Asia biggest sea Shui national minority
field hall concurrently amusement park. This garden divides Gao Yuan
and the low two parts, two gardens impractical cranes are connected,
is equipped with the escalator to lead to the summit in addition. In
the garden is equipped with 6 large-scale games projects, including:
The crazy roller coaster, the sea theater (in have the porpoise, the
sea lion and the upper air diving exhibition; Sea Tao hall and sea
hall (world biggest aquarium). The giant under water observation room,
the tourist passable glass has watched each kind of marine animal to
patrol differ in thousands of ways in under water; The shark hall, in
this hall more than 80 sharks, from in the glass tunnel which
specially makes may appreciate it to live the habit. In addition, but
also has aquatic amusement facility and so on the paradise, ferris
wheel, slippery wave airship, sea skyscraping tower.

Victoria Peak summit

Victoria Peak is named the Victoria Peak, is one of Hong Kong
most famous tour paradises. This principle is equipped with very much
specially the equipment which looks at the scenery for the tourist,
from the mountain the bird's eye view Victoria harbor and the Kowloon
peninsula, takes in everything at a glance. Hong Kong's night scene
world is famous. Best watches the position the old-style ancient
fragrant lion pavilion (to be named old lining pavilion) for the cable
car main terminal nearby and the spatial joy person's summit park
and so on. The summit square looks into the distance from a high place
the sunset scenery to be most ideal. Suits the picnic hike the Hong
Kong Island diameter also to start on a journey from this.

2008-03-31 11:42:15 補充:

This small fishing port has name of the Hong Kong Venice.
Because this place three is welled up divides into two places, the
transportation depends on horizontal Shui Tu to relate, but the
inhabitant also by the skiff, the shuttle communicates, therefore has
this reputation.

2008-03-31 11:47:22 補充:
Local Australia the temple stands in great numbers, after counts the
concerned emperor, Yang Hou, Hong Sheng, the day and so on the ancient
temple. The boundary tablet which Yang Houmiao opposite Xiangshan has
stands in 1902 rented when New Territory the border survey to force.

2008-03-31 11:47:31 補充:
Australia produces the salty fish and the shrimp paste is quite
famous. Weekend and the holiday has in the central area and Tsuen Wan

2008-03-31 11:49:13 補充:
Temple of Heaven Buddha

Enjoys has the great reputation Temple of Heaven Buddha to be
located to the Lantou Island dried fish summit, happen to faces the
valuable lotus temple memorial arch,

2008-03-31 11:49:22 補充:
is the global biggest outdoors
bronze sits Buddha, as a result of the Chinese airspace division
design and the manufacture, the project lasts for 12 years, spends
more than 6,,000 ten thousand HK dollars, amounts to 250 tons with the
copper quantity, the gold more than 4,000 catties;

2008-03-31 11:50:19 補充:
Bronze statue
height 26.4 meters, approximately 6,567 square meters, a
modelling face auspicious, the right hand evenly puts in front
of the chest, explains universals restoration the fear not to be
參考: Me+++, me+++, me+++, me+++, me+++, me+++, me+++
2008-03-31 5:38 am

參考: 雅虎聰明筆
2008-03-31 5:33 am
Sea park

The sea park is located south Hong Kong Island, in 1977
completed, is the present Asia biggest sea Shui national minority
field hall concurrently amusement park. This garden divides Gao Yuan
and the low two parts, two gardens impractical cranes are connected,
is equipped with the escalator to lead to the summit in addition. In
the garden is equipped with 6 large-scale games projects, including:
The crazy roller coaster, the sea theater (in have the porpoise, the
sea lion and the upper air diving exhibition; Sea Tao hall and sea
hall (world biggest aquarium). The giant under water observation room,
the tourist passable glass has watched each kind of marine animal to
patrol differ in thousands of ways in under water; The shark hall, in
this hall more than 80 sharks, from in the glass tunnel which
specially makes may appreciate it to live the habit. In addition, but
also has aquatic amusement facility and so on the paradise, ferris
wheel, slippery wave airship, sea skyscraping tower.

Victoria Peak summit

Victoria Peak is named the Victoria Peak, is one of Hong Kong
most famous tour paradises. This principle is equipped with very much
specially the equipment which looks at the scenery for the tourist,
from the mountain the bird's eye view Victoria harbor and the Kowloon
peninsula, takes in everything at a glance. Hong Kong's night scene
world is famous. Best watches the position the old-style ancient
fragrant lion pavilion (to be named old lining pavilion) for the cable
car main terminal nearby and the spatial 矌 joy person's summit park
and so on. The summit square looks into the distance from a high place
the sunset scenery to be most ideal. Suits the picnic hike the Hong
Kong Island diameter also □to start on a journey from this.
參考: me,yahool!!

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