
2008-03-31 2:17 am
我係中七畢業,有一科 AL肥咗,其餘都係合格既 (包括中、英文)

而家我想讀有關 Business既 Degree 課程 (Part-time)
但之前都問過好幾間大學 (HKU, Poly, Cityu),佢地都會要有 Hi-Dip / Asso 先有資格入讀 Degree 既課程....

我最想就係可以直接入讀一啲 Degree課程進修 (咁就可以唔使俾咁多$$ & 唔使讀咁耐.... 因為如果要讀埋「高文」,要四年多先可以完成 Degree.... 價錢都好鬼貴....T_T)

但自己又怕出面啲 Degree 課程認受性唔得,怕讀完,都會俾人認為冇 degree既資格.... (想進修,都係為咗搵份更好既工嘛.... ^^)

各位,唔知你地有冇意見或者有咩學校可以同我分享呀??? 我諗咗好耐都唔知點好....

p.s. (多謝你地睇咗我咁大篇既問題.....)

回答 (2)

2008-04-01 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to study degree without HD or AD, may be you can try OUHK distance learning chinese BBA course. It is a local degree and no entry requirment but very difficult and high course fee.

Use 4 year to study a degree is not long. CUHK full time student also use 4 years to complete a degree. If you part time to study, 4 years can get a degree is very lucky.

For my example, I use 2.5 years to study a diploma and use 1.5 year to complete a top up degree.

Hope can help you la
參考: www.ouhk.edu.hk

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