
2008-03-31 1:24 am
請幫幫忙..將以下中文翻譯英文, 謝謝!
這個故事是說關於一個陷阱(net)的.有一天Gran生日,Loz and her Nan gave her a spade.Gran很開心,因為她很早前就想要一個新spade.Gran把new spade放在小屋(shed).The next day,Gran went back to her patch.Her shed door was open.Gran發現new spade被人使用過.Gran覺得使用她的new spade的人會再回來.Gran had bought a big plastic net.Nan helped Gran put up the net.到了晚上有兩個人再次使用Gran的new spade,不過他們走時ran into Gran net.後來Gran通知警察,把他們捉走了.第二天Gran很高興,因為他的story出現在新聞(TV news)裡.

回答 (2)

2008-03-31 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
This story is about a net. Gran received a birthday present from Loz and her Nan. It was a spade. She was very happy because she hoped to have a new spade for a long time. She put the new spade in a shed. The next day, Gran went back to her patch. Her shed door was open. She noticed that her new spade was used by someone. She thought the person who used her spade would come back. So she had bought a big plastic net. Nan helped Gran put up the net. At night, two people went to used it. Gran called the police to arrest them. Gran was very happy, because his story was posted on the TV news.
參考: 自己 and 字典機
2008-03-31 2:02 am
This story is about a net. One day, it is Gran 's birthday,Loz and her Nan gave her a spade.Gran is very happy, beccause she want a new spade before.
Gran put her new spade in the hed t day,Gran went back to her patch.Her sed oor was open.Gran find out that his new spade give someone used
it . Gran feel the people that use her new spade will back.Gran had bought a big plastic net.Nan helped Gran put up the net.

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