pls translate into chinese~thanks a lot!!

2008-03-30 9:56 am
Although you may get a second wind with the rising of the sun, the longer you stay up, the more your condition deteriorates. "By the second night, oh, my goodness, it's extremely dramatic—beyond double what it was the first night," says David Dinges, a sleep expert at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "You fall massively off the cliff."

You don't need to pull an all-nighter, work 24-hour shifts or hold down a couple of jobs to know that at some point you just have to crash. All through the animal kingdom, sleep ranks right up there with food, water and sexual intercourse for the survival of the species. Everybody does it, from fruit flies to Homo sapiens. Yet despite its clear necessity and lots of investigation, scientists still don't know precisely what sleep is for.

回答 (3)

2008-03-31 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
人在日出時醒來常感到精神百倍, 但如果我們一直不睡覺, 身體狀況就會一直變差. 賓汐法尼亞大學醫學院睡眠研究專家丁哲思 (David Dinges)這樣說: "一個人連續兩天不睡覺, 到了第二天, 就會受到難以想像的煎熬, 情況比第一天壞不知多少倍. 整個人完全像崩潰, 可以用 "墮崖"來比喻".

人體到了某種程度就支撐不住, 這一點誰都知道, 不需要嘗試過通宵熬夜, 值24小時班, 或者一天做幾份工作才明白. 對所有動物, 包括人類, 睡眠和食物, 水份, 性本能一樣重要, 沒有它我們就活不了. 所有動物都要睡覺, 從最高級的人類到最低級的果蠅無一例外.
雖然睡眠的重要性不言而喻, 但科學家窮盡智慧, 仍未能就睡眠對身體有何功效作出結論.

2015-09-08 10:30 pm
You are the person thst I want to be.
2008-03-31 12:04 am

雖然你可能獲得隨著太陽而來的第二個風,可是你越留在此,你的情況越進一步惡化。‘奧,我的天!於第二個夜晚,它的極其戲劇性比第一個夜晚超出一倍!’睡眠專家在賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院的大衛Dinges說 。‘你沈重地掉進懸崖裏’ 。

參考: by myself

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