Do we love things most that come at a great cost, or are the best things in life truly free?

2008-03-30 4:21 am
this is my essay topic!
can someone help me?
i have no idea what to write..thanks

回答 (9)

2008-03-30 5:10 am
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Never are the best things in life free.

If I have to work for something, I know the cost. I put forth the effort. I take the time, and I take the opportunity.

If that same thing were free, what would be the point of the work? If it were free, what value would it have to me? I do work to obtain things that I cannot have for free, because they are better than what I get for free. If what I get for free was better, I would not work for the other things.

Work creates value. We value things because we have to pay for them, whether with time, effort, or money.

If I obtained something for free, it would have no value, and I would not care for it.

Here's a practical example. When we're kids, our parents buy us clothes and shoes. When we have to buy those things ourselves, don't we take much better care for them? Also, when we buy them ourselves, don't we like them better? We can choose for ourselves what clothes we want, and what shoes we want, and pay whatever price we're willing to pay. We give them greater value because our own money, time, and effort went into them.
2008-03-30 4:49 am
nothing is free. even just acknowledging something in your peripheral vision takes energy.
2016-05-29 11:00 am
There is heaps and heaps of things that are free. You just got to know where to look and what to do. I have been on many free holidays for example, I get on my bike cycle 30 miles to the beach put a tent up near the beach and the total cost of the holiday is zero, all I spend is what I drink or eat (which I would have done even if I didn`t go on holiday). A lot of my life is free and I like to keep it that way.
2008-03-30 9:41 am
Some of the best things are free, like parents. others require great effort, like earning respect and the love of a decent person.
2008-03-30 4:49 am
We never get enough of the things that come at great cost...but the things that are free are plentiful. I am a simple person so I like free things. For complicated people they may prefer the complicated things.
2008-03-30 4:30 am
depends what you mean by cost..if you mean money then the best things in life are free
but if you mean cost like hard work, then the best things are what you accomplish and not "free"
2008-03-30 4:28 am
The best things in life are free,
but everything has a price,and
the high cost of everything else
is just keeping up with the Jone's
參考: rebo tf
2008-03-30 5:46 am
Yes, being spiritual, being in love, any human emotion, seeing nature, a sunset. Money can only buy you things that are a trifle in comparison, except for clothes, food and shelter.
2008-03-30 4:53 am
for busy and no freedom people, they can only use money in exchange for things they love most and wanted most.....their only pleasure!!!! for too much free time people...they have energy and lots of time to build up human relationship to one another....and all these friendship can be precious and totally free of if you put this theory into the difference between city and countryside concept, you will realise that love change due to environment change too....there do have people thinking of having city concept but countryside living attitude...the best example will be like in australia....i guess enjoy living in tokyo, hong kong and shanghai people, will never love to live in place like australia...too bored for drive no motive no fighting for goal ...usually great city people need all these to survive!!!!
Lucky, still these world got lots of choice for you to choose what you like and love.....if whole world become the same and no more difference..i guess your essay need not to write can easily graduate and very soon living in same group...the less difference in life and lives...the less learning opportunities ...

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