醫療報告英轉中( 20點)

2008-03-30 7:57 am
Transvaginal ultrasound pelvis was performed. The uterus is midline and is retroverted. No endometrial abnormality can be detected. No focal mass lesion in the uterus is detected. A benign Nabothian cyst measuring 0.9 cm in longest dimension is seen in the cervix. Both ovaries are prominent, containing multiple follicles up to 1.4 cm in longest dimension. A bright echo adjacent to one of the cyst is detected. No ovarian mass lesion can be detected. No fluid in the Pouch of Douglas can be detected.

回答 (4)

2008-03-31 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Transvaginal ultrasound pelvis was performed.
The uterus is midline and is retroverted.
No endometrial abnormality can be detected.
發現不到腸道部份/其他 部位有不正常的組織/功能。
No focal mass lesion in the uterus is detected.
A benign Nabothian cyst measuring 0.9 cm in longest dimension is seen in the cervix.
一個良性Nabothian 囊腫/水瘤,最長的,0.9 cm 被發現被在子宮頸處。
Both ovaries are prominent, containing multiple follicles up to 1.4 cm in longest dimension.
兩個卵巢是突出的, 包含多個濾泡,最大的直徑有1.4 cm。
A bright echo adjacent to one of the cyst is detected
No ovarian mass lesion can be detected. No fluid in the Pouch of Douglas can be detected

參考: my own writing
2016-05-31 4:56 am
Mild spondylotic changes are noted in lower thoracic and lumbar spine
2008-04-01 11:18 am
focal mass lesion 是指 局部的創傷 mass係呢度指的係該處的質量

prominent 唔係突出而係明顯

2008-03-30 5:08 pm
Transvaginal 超聲波骨盆執行了。子宮體是midline 和是retroverted 。endometrial 反常性無法被查出。焦點許多損害在子宮體不被查出。良性Nabothian 囊腫測量0.9 cm 在最長的維度被看見在子宮頸。兩卵巢是突出的, 包含多個濾泡由1.4 cm 決定在最長的維度。一次明亮的echo 在一個囊腫附近被查出。卵巢許多損害無法被查出。流體在道格拉斯囊無法被查出。

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