
2008-03-30 7:20 am
请问 在新加坡书院的收生条件是不是很高?

学费又贵不贵呢??是否很难adapt ??


回答 (3)

2008-03-30 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don`t know what kind of school you are looking to get into. If you are going to Singapore to go into private schools it`s not difficult to get a place, but the quality of education might not be good - and can be more expensive than public schools.

If you are looking into government schools, such as the public secondary schools, junior colleges, polytechnics, and universities, yes it is kind of hard for foreign students, even if you might not be aiming for the best schools - because in general singaporeans have priority in government schools, and in universities there is only a fixed number of foreign students the school can take.

though if you feel that you are good in at least some aspects of your school work it is worth it to try. singapore`s schoolwork is easier than that in china - especially in math and chinese - thus you`re likely to be better than a lot of singaporean students at the same level. though singapore`s standard is still way higher than western countries like the US.

foreign students do not get government subsidies, so it can be pretty expensive. for secondary schools/junior colleges, school fees range around HK$1200 to HK$2000 per month - just school fees alone.


whether it is hard to adapt it depends on you. both singapore and china have a majority chinese population, and we speak both chinese and english - theoretically you should not have too much of a problem. come in with an open mind and accept that even though we are chinese by race we do not live in china so there are definitely differences - and you would be fine. there is also a quite a lot of students from china in singapore, so i am sure you would be able to get the support that you need when you first get here.

2008-03-30 13:43:17 補充:
singapore is not the best place to learn english, because we do not commonly think and use proper english in everyday life. we can use proper english and we are taught how to, but our daily language is a form of modified english.

2008-03-30 13:43:31 補充:
we do not speak with an american or a british accent everyday too. if you are looking for formal english instruction, yes you can get that in singapore. but be aware that you will not rarely hear proper english in the streets and among your singaporean friends.

2008-03-30 13:43:36 補充:
anyway, i am trying to tell you facts that you should know before deciding to come. it`s a big decision to make! if you decide to come to singapore in the end, we welcome you sincerely and we hope that you will have a good time!
2008-03-31 6:48 pm

未必能说得一口流利的英语!因为那里说的是Singlish,not English!


參考: 自己!因为我有想过去那边念书。
2008-03-30 7:36 am
如英文不流利, 你可以活下去嗎???????


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