Questions abt clayton campus of monash uni

2008-03-30 6:19 am
1.) Is there a walking distance supermarket if living on-campus?
2.) What is the difference between the 5 halls of "halls of residence"?
(the diff is "self-catered and fully-catered"? How much for each?)
3.) What is "normanby house"?
4.) any aussies live there or all international students only?

Thank you~

回答 (1)

2008-04-08 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. About 15 mins walk to the supermarket (not the one in Clayton Shopping
Centre, if you want to go to the supermarket at Clayton Shopping Centre, you need to go by bus since it is far away from the campus).

2. The accommodation fee for living in the Halls of Residence doesn't
include catering fee. You pay every time after ordering your food in the
canteen. It means that you can choose self-catering if you want to cook by
yourself and go to canteen if you don't want to cook. If you
choose to cook by yourself, better choose the non-peak hours (eg ~ 5:30pm or after 8pm), otherwise you may need to wait (not sure for other Halls, but it
was my experience when I was staying at Richardson Hall). If you choose to
have dinner in the canteen, you should pay attention on the closing time, I
can't remember whether it closes at 7:30pm or 8pm.

3. Not sure who can apply to stay in normanby house, better browse Monash's website. Since most of my friends stay in the Hall, I never heard students
choose to stay at normanby house.

4. Not sure whether there are aussies living in the normanby house

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