Canon 今年會否出新機種 來代替D5呢?

2008-03-30 6:15 am
Canon 今年會否出新機種 來代替D5呢?

回答 (1)

2008-04-02 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually... this topic is so hot in some forum... in the mean time.. no any new will come out... But it depend on what you want. Full Frame? I also ask same question to me before... In the mean time, Full frame can take photos width... no need to x1.6 (Canon) x1.5 (Nikon), but the tech. still NEW... the cost is bit high... if 5D (Canon) new version full frame will release... ask for $2x,xxx 1200mpixel... are you interest to get?

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