一套電影叫BIG FISH..15marks

2008-03-30 5:23 am
我想要big fish套電影ge

回答 (2)

2008-03-30 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Throughout his life Edward Bloom (Ewan McGregor) has always been a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, portrayed by five-time Best Actor Oscar® nominee Albert Finney (Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Erin Brockovich, 2000), he remains a huge mystery to his son, William (Billy Crudup). Now, to get to know the real man, Will begins piecing together a true picture of his father from flashbacks of his amazing adventures in this marvel of a movie.

This film follows the incredible life of Edward Bloom, through a series of flashbacks that begin when his son Will visits him for the last time. Edward is dying of cancer, and Will hasn't spoken to him for years because he believes him to be a liar that never really cared for his family. As Edward's story unfolds once again, Will tries to finally understand the truth about who his father really was...

2) The story revolves around a dying father and his son, who is trying to learn more about his dad by piecing together the stories he has gathered over the years. The son winds up re-creating his father's elusive life in a series of legends and myths inspired by the few facts he knows. Through these tales, the son begins to understand his father's great feats and his great failings.


Official Site: http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/bigfish/index.html
參考: imdb
2008-03-30 5:34 am
由伊旺麥奎格主演和鬼才導演提姆波頓所執導的文藝片,是以一個小孩的口吻,來敘述其爸爸傳奇的一生。 這位爸爸是一個閱歷豐富、卻也喜歡誇大事情的人,他總是喜歡把事情說的比實際經歷的來的誇張,他曾經看過巨人、大風雪、巫婆、以及連體嬰的酒店歌手…...



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