
2008-03-30 4:00 am

回答 (7)

2008-03-31 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
注意你要有 32 QP (Quest Point)
1. 先同 Champions' guild 的 Guild Master 開 quest ,(varrock 南門再向西南行)
2. 搵於Edgeville的Oziach ,問佢:
(1) rune platebody - 佢會要你搵分開成三份ge map parts
(2) Melzar's maze - 佢會俾maze key 你
(3) Anti-Dragon shield - 佢話你知只要去Lumbridge Castle二樓搵Duke Horacio,佢會俾anti-dragon shield你
1st Map Part
搵響 Ice Mountain 上的Oracle,他會俾個4句ge“謎語”你,
(1) Wizard’s Mind Bomb (A drink used by a mage)
- 可到Falador east bank 隔籬的pub買 (3gp),藍色的
(2) silk (Worm string changed to sheet)
- 向在 Al Kharid沙漠的Silk trader買 (3gp)
(3) lobster pot (A small crustacean cage)
- 在Port Sarim 的 fishing shop 買 (20gp)
(4) unfired bowl (A bowl that has not seen heat)
- mine clay (f2p: crafting guild, Dwarven mines, Rimmington mine, Southwest Varrock mine)
- use “clay” with a “jug/bucket of water” → soft clay
- 去Barbarian village / crafting guild,use “soft clay” with “pottery wheel”,選擇整“bowl”(要crafting lvl 8)→ “unfired bowl”
帶齊呢4樣o野落Dwarven Mine ,將每樣o野放入magic door (門口)個窿,放哂四樣o野入去就開到門入room 開chest,咁你就有一份map part喇~
2nd Map Part
到Port Sarim 的prison……
(i) 用magic 或 range 整死 goblin Wormbrain ,跟住用 telekenetic grab (magic lvl 33, aka telegrab) 拿 map part ;或
(ii) 俾10k (10,000gp) 佢換map part
3rd Map Part
去Melzar's maze 跟住……
- 入到去kill giant rats 直至你有條red key ,入西北門上ladder
- 到有好多ghosts 的一層,打到有orange key ,用o黎開左手面第二度門上ladder
- 打skeleton直至有yellow key,入最西南那度門,跟著走廊去到最東落ladder
- 今次到zombies,打到有blue key,直入門口
- 終於見到Mad the Melzar (lvl 43),kill o左佢就有條Magenta / Purple key,過另一間房
- 入o左度門見到lesser demon啦,打瓜佢就有green key
- 再入度門開chest,裏面係map part
P.S. 注意小心唔好出錯門,有道門係俾你中途離開o既,你無乜hp就走先啦,不過又要由頭打過,所以帶夠lobsters / swordies先好入去呀!
3 份map parts 集齊,use one map part with other map part → attach together → map
到Port Sarim向Klarense 買ship Lady Lumbridge (2k = 2,000gp),可惜隻船下層有個大窿 (hole,在南面),你要帶以下三樣物品整番好佢:
- 3 planks(到wildy 的graveyard of shadow 拿,小心skeleton)
- 90 steel nails (make them urself)
- hammer
use planks (+ steel nails + hammer)with hole 就repair好。

2008-03-30 18:39:08 補充:
跟住到Draynor Village 搵Ned,俾張map佢,他會做你captain。
穿上合適的armour (suggest wield full rune),帶齊「架餐」(suggest 用rune 1h,或用magic / range,不過唔好用bow)同埋 anti-dragon shield (一定要!否則一個dragon breathe 你就byebye 返Lumby =P)、food (suggest 帶lobsters / swordies)、teleport runes (如需要) 及 str potion(如需要)

2008-03-30 18:41:00 補充:
7. LET’S GO!!!
去ship 那兒會合Ned 出發到Crandor Island 搵 dragon la~
8. 入到Crandor Island落島中間的dungeon ,再南下入gate 打Elvarg (lvl 83) ,你不知不覺間其實已經進入Karamja dungeon 範圍啦!!
若你wield o左 anti-dragon shield,佢max hit 大概係13;無wield anti-dragon shield的話,佢max hit係65左右。

2008-03-30 18:41:16 補充:
9. 打贏後你就要把dragon head俾番ozarch,完成個Quset 啦!
- 18,650 str xp
- 18,650 def xp
- ability to wield rune pl8
- 2 QP
10. 可用“H”(Home - Lumbridge)teleport;或南下經秘密石牆 (secret wall),出番Karamja Island,搭船 (30gp)返去。

2008-03-30 18:42:03 補充:
起始地點:Champions' guild (Guild Master)
- 90 steel nails (6 steel bars)
- 3 planks
- hammer
- 2,000gp (買Lady Lumbridge,另加10,000gp 若你magic lvl < 33)
- 1 laws + 1 air → telegrab (可省略若你magic lvl < 33)
- wizard's mind bomb

2008-03-30 18:42:06 補充:
- lobster pot
- silk
- unfired bowl
- maze key (隨quest 進度而得)
- anti-dragon shield (隨quest 進度而得)
- 其他你認為要defeat lvl 83 dragon的物品
- cb lvl > 50
- magic lvl 33
- smithing lvl 34
- crafting lvl至少8

2008-03-30 18:43:31 補充:
係要做左dragon slayer先著到rune pl8嫁

2008-04-13 08:31:00 補充:
2008-04-04 4:42 am
rune? done drag slayer quest. this website have every things to do even a walk herw and there!

2008-04-03 20:43:26 補充:
copy the website and paste to the website bar up there

2008-04-01 9:26 pm

This is a good website.
參考: Me
2008-03-31 3:06 am
You must finish the Dragon Slayer Quest,then go and buy one rune platebody.After that,you are allowed to wear rune platebody!
參考: me
2008-03-30 5:36 pm
Dragon Slayer


Dragon Slayer的做法:

[^] Speak to the Guild Master in the Champions&#39; Guild.
[^] Go to Oziach and talk to him about the rune platemail.
[^] Go back to the Guild Master and get the maze key.
[^] Talk to Duke Horacio in the Lumbridge Castle to receive an anti dragon shield.
[^] Go to Rimmington and enter Melzar&#39;s Maze.
[^] Work your way through the maze by killing the monsters and opening the doors with the keys they drop. Search the chest in the room after the Lesser Demon to obtain the first map piece.
[^] Talk to the Oracle.
[^] Go to the Dwarven Mines with the items, and enter a room to obtain the second map piece.
[^] Go to Port Sarim jail and obtain the third map piece from Wormbrain.
[^] Talk to Klarense in Port Sarim and buy the Lady Lumbridge.
[^] Fix the Lady Lumbridge.
[^] Talk to Ned in Draynor about the quest.
[^] Prepare your equipment for the battle, and check if you have the recommended levels.
[^] Go to the Lady Lumbridge.
[^] Go to the cave entrance and climb down.
[^] Prepare yourself for the last time.
[^] Fight the dragon until it is dead.
[^] Cut off Elvarg&#39;s head and bring it to Oziach to receive to complete the quest!

2008-03-31 10:31:12 補充:
Start: Talk to the Guild Master of the Champion's Guild about the Rune Platemail.
Skills: Able to defeat a level 83 Dragon, and level 37 or 43 prayer is helpful. See the Fighting the Dragon section for my level and item recommendations.

2008-03-31 10:32:02 補充:
Quests: Must be a member of the Champions' Guild, which requires you to have 32 quest points.

2008-03-31 10:32:11 補充:
What You Need: A Wizard's Mind Bomb, Silk, Lobster Pot, an Unfired Bowl, 12,000gp (or 2,000gp if your magic level is 31 or higher with a Wizard's Mind Bomb), an Anti Dragon Shield, 3 Planks, 90 Steel Nails and a Hammer.

2008-03-31 10:33:04 補充:
Quest Obtained Items: Maze key, Anti-dragon shield, the colored keys, 3 map pieces.

2008-03-31 10:33:10 補充:
Recommended Items: Good food such as lobsters or swordfish, some decent armour, a few magic or ranged attacks (if you are paying 10,000gp, they are not needed), a weapon and teleport runes if you can teleport.

2008-03-31 10:35:10 補充:
任務完成後,你還可以穿 Green Dragonhide Body 呢!

2008-03-31 10:38:40 補充:
18,650 experience in Strength and Defense.
Ability to wear a rune platemail and dragon leatherbody once you reach the requirements (40 defense for platemail, 40 ranged and defense for the leatherbody).
2 Quest Points
Rune Platemail
2008-03-30 1:07 pm
只要做完 dragon slayer 果個quest就著得
2008-03-30 5:52 am

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