Mortgage formula

2008-03-29 8:09 pm
雖然各大銀行甚至地產網頁都有提供mortgage嘅計算方法, 但內容不太合用.



Loan Amt: HKD732,000.00

Interest Rate: 3.00

如果我想fix amt, 每個月供3000, 咁要供幾多期先供完?

同時, 除咗呢條formula, 其實各大銀行及地產網嗰條入Loan amt, Interest Rate同年期, 就知道每月供幾多錢嗰條formula又係點計?



回答 (2)

2008-03-29 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, there is only 1 formulae.

P = R x {1 - [(1 + i) ^ (-n)]} / i

P is the loan amount
R is the regular payment
n is the no. of period
i is the effective interest rate over that period

The derivation of this formulae can be found in various documentations, and is not difficult.

For your example:

P = HK$732,000.00
annual interest rate is 3%, if you choose monthly repayment, then:
effective interest i over 1 month = (1 + 3%) ^ (1 / 12) - 1 = 0.247%
R = HK$3,000.00
if you want to know the value of n, then:

n = - log(1- P x i / R) / log(1 + i) = 373.8

so, you need 31 yrs and 2 months to repay all your loan.
2008-04-01 6:17 pm
我們更致力為擁有物業之人士,掃除及解決所有財務上的障礙及問題。客戶只要擁有物業如:私人樓宇、唐樓、 丁屋、村屋、豪宅、商舖、寫字樓或車位,均可申請一按、二按貸款。貸款成數可高達物業估值九成。所有有關按揭貸款文件,亦交由專業律師辦理,給予客戶百份百信心。
如有查詢,請聯絡我們: 私人貸款客戶服務主任梁先生 電話: 3101 9977
物業貸款客戶服務主任袁小姐 電話: 3101 9828

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